Air Waybill (AWB) is a special document which instructions for completing it are provided by IATA – International Air Transport Association. Destination of Waybill:
- description of the goods which are transfer for carrier to transportation;
- conditions of carriage;
- instructions of cargo route and timetable;
- requisites of Sender, Consignee, their agents and carrier;
- special instructions for carrier.
Air Waybill is in three equally authentic copies: For Shipper, For Carrier, For Consignee and in 7 copies for persons concerned.
Waybill in which are Actual Shipper, Consignee and chosen expedition – carrier, who organize transportation, is called House Air Waybill (HAWB)). When in the Waybill Sender and / or Consignee are the expedition companies which are serving cargo in the seaports, and carrier is a airline, then this bill is called Master Air Waybill (MAWB) is using to legalize cooperation between the agent and the airline (cooperation between the agent and the Sender is legalized with House Air Waybill).
In other ways House Air Waybill may not be printing.
In accordance with number of Master Air Waybill, which first three numbers identify airline (Prefix) are possible to online tracking cargo.
House Air Waybill example you can find here.
CMR – document, which prove the transfer of the goods (by weight, volume, package and other features) for transportation by land. CMR is used for international transportation, so for national routes is used simply waybill. CMR waybill is completed by Sender and carrier when cargo is loading, because of that BFD Group specialists recommend to pay attention to these entries, which cargo Sender should complete:
- the name and address of the Sender;
- the place and date of Cargo Designation/Unloading;
- the name and address of the Consignee;
- types of cargo, marking, the method of packing, dangerous class and number if is transported the dangerous cargo;
- total number places of cargo, it's features of arrangement and numbers;
- the gross weight of cargo or another quantity of cargo;
- the instructions for Customs formalities and for other necessary processes;
- order, if cargo transhipment is prohibit;
- Sender bears all fees;
- redemption fee, which is returned after delivered cargo;
- The declared value of the goods and it's additional value for Sender;
- Sender instructions of cargo insurance for carrier;
- deadline for executing a transportation contract;
- list of documents for carrier.
If cargo was damaged while transportation (including delay of cargo) then these entries would did not reflect reality and carrier would be released from responsibility.
CMR example you can find here.
Bill of Lading (B/L) also called Marine bill of Lading. This is the proof of goods transmission for transportation by sea transport. Bill of Lading mostly prints by shipping company which receive the goods for transportation or its entrusting agents. In the Bill of Lading are many information about transportation goods, but Bill of Lading is not with others documents and not transporting with cargo, because of that the main information which identify cargo is the number of container and Bill of Lading, with this number is possible to online tracking cargo.
Bill of Lading example you can find here.
Customs declaration
Customs agents prepare customs declaration and submit electronically for customs department. For declaration additional information about goods, its consist, function or origin is needed, because our specialists, who represent you in customs, may contact with you for the detailed information. There are three main customs declarations:
- Export declaration (EX),
- Import declaration (IM),
- Transit declaration (T1).